wrote in message ...
On Sun, 14 Aug 2016 17:15:53 +0100, "Ophelia" >
>"Nancy Young" wrote in message ...
>On 8/14/2016 11:23 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>> lol I used to see wrappers between the shop and the school where I used
>> to live and it became a real mess. Someone complained to the school and
>> I never saw any mess after that.
>For a long time, someone was trying to get a McDonald's into my
>town, they kept getting shot down. Finally they got the go ahead
>but No drivethru and they are in trouble if their packaging starts
>showing up as litter. So far, so good.
>Excellent!! I know a retired chap who tell me he is working part time for
>... hmm it is either McD's or Burgerking, working as a groundsman! I
>he keeps the plants tidy and makes sure no mess.
>I don't use them but I think it is an excellent idea.
When we lived downtown we were pretty much the mid-way point between a
McDogs and a high school. I complained regularly, as did our
neighbours, to the principal but nothing came of it. So it's usually
clean around those joints but look eating distance away and there's
the junk. Now, around here, it is mostly coffee mugs, unfortunately
like the Keurig pods, they are not recylable.
That is exactly how it used to be as I mentioned above. A word with the
school sorted that out. I don't know what they did but no mess.