On Sun, 14 Aug 2016 08:18:11 -0700, "Cheri" >
>"Nancy Young" > wrote in message
>> On 8/14/2016 5:26 AM, Janet wrote:
>>> In article >,
>>> says...
>>>> That's crazy. What's going on with that, we have plastic bags
>>>> but they aren't flying around.
>>> Most of the British Isles are in the atlantic so windy weather is
>>> common.
>> People need to take care of where they put their bags, in
>> general, if having them blown into the trees is a big problem.
>> And maybe wherever this is could ban plastic bags.
>> I'm sure you'd agree if there were bags in all the trees where
>> you lived.
>> nancy
>Maybe they could ban those plastic water bottles that are thrown around too.
In NYS they have a 5¢ deposit, not many are tossed and if some are
there are people who subsist from collecting all sorts of deposit
bottles. Thing is plastic bottles don't survie long, UV light breaks
them down rather quickly... better than glass bottles... I can still
remember when parks, beaches, and roadways were littered with
shattered glass bottles, a lot of people were rushed to the ER with
gashed feet and most flat tires were due to broken glass bottles. I'm
very happy there are plastic bottles now, when I see any I pick them
up and cash them in with my own. Unfortunately there are still lots
of glass beer bottles.