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dsi1[_17_] dsi1[_17_] is offline
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Default Huli Huli steak tonight

On Tuesday, August 16, 2016 at 1:52:05 PM UTC-10, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> My daughter lived in Hawaii for a fre years and her in-laws still send
> some local goodies. She gave me a bottle of Hulu Huli sauce. It is
> very much like a teriyaki sauce.
> I picked up a piece of steak for London Broil and marinated it for a bit
> over 4 hours. Grilled it on high heat for a few minutes each size.
> Nuked some snap peas, nuked a couple of potatoes, cut them thick and
> then crisped them in oil. Poured some Malbec I opened an hour earlier.
> Good dinner!

Huli huli chicken is great chicken. The preparation is dead simple. That said, most people over here do not make huli huli chicken. Mostly we buy it in school/church parking lots on Saturdays where it's prepared for fund raising.

The chicken is halved and soaked in a brine. My guess is that this was originally done so that the chicken wouldn't develop any nasty microorganisms while it waiting for the grill. It should be held flat between wire mesh and grilled over a kiawe (mesquite to you) fire turning frequently. You should also baste the chicken frequently with salt water or a watery mix of shoyu, sugar, ginger. Keep it simple! You can also use a spray bottle to baste the chicken with a shoyu, sugar, and salt, solution.

The group I am with will probably consider having a huli huli chicken sale this year. We have a gal from Jamaica that wants to make jerk chicken. Now that would be interesting. We're gonna have a hard time finding real pimento wood though.