On 8/20/2016 6:59 AM, Don Wiss wrote:
> Back in 1967 Irving Fitzig founded NOTIP. I was one of the 500 people that
> bought a pack of cards to hand out. You can see a scan he
> http://donwiss.com/notip-card.jpg
> The text on the card:
> "Thank you. I appreciate your service but I am deliberately not leaving a
> tip. This is not selfishness but a matter of principle. I believe tipping
> is a patronizing habit that robs a person of dignity and pride. You should
> receive a proper salary without having to rely on charity. Please pass this
> card on to your employer."
> Thanks to Google, Irving lives on into perpetuity:
> https://www.google.com/#q=%22Nationw...still+Pride%22
> Don. www.donwiss.com (e-mail link at home page bottom).
That's a most novel concept: the idea that one can be a member of
society and enjoy it's benefits without paying for it. I like it - a lot!