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Default those supermarket rotisserie chickens

On Sat, 20 Aug 2016 19:18:34 -0400, Don Wiss >

>The NY Times recently had an article on the supermarket rotisserie
>chickens. They are often loss leaders to get you into the store. I looked
>at them in my local supermarket. The ingredient list went on and on.
>The other day for lunch I decided to see just what Whole Foods had in the
>steam and cold tables. The food, with sales tax, approached $10/lb. They
>also had the rotisserie chickens. The half chickens had a list of
>ingredients, but the whole chickens had only salt and pepper. All the whole
>chickens were labeled 1 lb 12 oz. With sales tax the price approached $10.
>I looked around and picked what looked like a large one. I got home. I
>weighed it. It weighed 2.5 lbs! Are they always so generous in size? I
>could have bought chicken from the steam tables. One pound would have been
>the same price as the 2.5 pounds I got.

Could have bought a 7 pound oven stuffer roaster where I live for
79¢/lb... season and pop it in your oven. For what you paid could
have got two! Why is there sales tax, my stupidmarket deli doesn't
charge sales tax for any food. It's extremely rare I'll buy a
rotisserie chicken, I find them over salted (think Dead Sea) and not
properly cleaned.
I sometimes roast a roasting chicken on a V rack but usually I quarter
or eighth those 7 pounders and put them on a flat rack in a roasting
pan. One seven pounder feeds two hungry adults very well 2X and four
cats get some too. I like poultry propery cleaned, no bits of guts
adhering inside, no superfluous fat, and I pull out all those nasty
rib bones, they pull right out with a paper towel. Most importantly I
cut out the spine, I don't want any spinal fluid in my chicken. All
the trimmings feed crows. If I make chicken soup it ain't gonna be
made from saved trash/garbage... I use all whole properly cleaned
chickens and fresh vegetables, no veggie scraps, if those bits weren't
worth eating the first time they go in the composter.... I don't
understand people dining like POWs... the Great Depression was how
many years ago. . . maybe yoose garbage hoarders wanna check my toilet
for salvage before I flush. Chicken is cheap, if I'm gonna make the
effort and take the time to prepare a from scratch soup it won't
contain any salvaged trash.