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Don Wiss Don Wiss is offline
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Posts: 339
Default those supermarket rotisserie chickens

On Sat, 20 Aug 2016, Brooklyn1 > wrote:

>Could have bought a 7 pound oven stuffer roaster where I live for

At that price it is not hormone and antibiotic free, like it is at Whole

>season and pop it in your oven.

My kitchen is under renovation. I don't have an oven. I do have a slow
cooker, but that takes too long.

> For what you paid could
>have got two! Why is there sales tax, my stupidmarket deli doesn't
>charge sales tax for any food.

In NY State there is sales tax on food to go. Maybe your deli rolls it into
the price.

> It's extremely rare I'll buy a
>rotisserie chicken, I find them over salted (think Dead Sea) and not
>properly cleaned.

I agree that most food is over salted. This wasn't too bad.

Don. (e-mail link at home page bottom).