those supermarket rotisserie chickens
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those supermarket rotisserie chickens
In article >,
> On Mon, 22 Aug 2016 05:24:20 +1000, Bruce > wrote:
> >LOL. My toner dries out before I get to use it up. So I print for free,
> >in a way. Use it or lose it.
> I presume you mean ink. Toner never dries out. It is already dry.
Yes, that's true, I guess. Nevertheless my toner cartridge stops working
way before it can be empty. It must somehow have to do with its age.
> I print
> with laser printers. And toner is not cheap. I do have one ink jet printer,
> as it also is an 11x17 scanner. Because in the past the ink dried out, this
> printer every day at noon makes a noise and does something to the ink. So
> even though I never use it to print, the ink still runs out after a year or
> two.
I had to use an inkjet printer at an old job once. That taught me never
to buy one for myself.
A HP cartridge for my laser printer costs 200 AUD. So I just ordered a
16 AUD imitation. I wonder how that will go.
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