I have, of course, just realized that the original poster was from the UK,
my criticisms of Berry and other authors as being "British-oriented" should
reversed for you ... the other book sources I listed are
and you'll have the same confusion of imperal versus US gallons, and other
language confusion that Americans have reading Berry.
In "American-oriented" country wine books you'll also see less mention of
certain fruits that are less popular or less available here, such as
sloes, and quince.
"Ray" > wrote in message
> For country wines, I would recommend C.J.J. Berry's clasic books "First
> Steps in Wine Making". Very readable and practical. His other books are
> good as well. Then there is Duncan and Acton's book "Making Wines like
> those You Buy" and if you get into grape wines Cox's "From Vines to Wines"
> Ray
> "robert" > wrote in message
> .uk...
>> Hi.
>> I am new to making wine ... Can anybody recomend books to read on
>> making
>> traditional wines and lequres .....
>> I have been given about 4lbs of Mullberry's thta i would like to make
> into
>> a mullberry and peach lequre but cant see anything at the library that
> makes
>> sence
>> Thanks