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Default those supermarket rotisserie chickens

On Wed, 24 Aug 2016 22:53:54 -0700, "Cheri" >

> wrote in message
.. .
>> On Wed, 24 Aug 2016 11:16:21 -0700, "Cheri" >
>> wrote:
>>>"Gary" > wrote in message
>>>> Nancy Young wrote:
>>>>> On 8/23/2016 10:29 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
>>>>> > BTW: You'll notice that Colgate is the only one with a flip-top cap
>>>>> > like this - probably due to a patent (Sensodyne and such have the
>>>>> > wider caps). The Colgate caps also fit Aim tubes, but not Crest. I
>>>>> > save my Colgate caps for the occasions when I buy Aim (the cheapest
>>>>> > TP
>>>>> > out there).
>>>>> So you don't use that $20 a tube toothpaste that guarantees no
>>>>> plaque? Livionex.
>>>> I'm left wondering who the hell buys toothpaste and lets it run out
>>>> (date wise). I buy it and use it several times a day. Never any issue
>>>> about time out.
>>>> wth?
>>>Maybe several tubes bought on sale at one time? Ya think?

>> I've never thought to look at the BB date but I suppose depending
>> where you were buying it, it might be a consideration.

>I've never looked at an expiration date on toothpaste and I'm sure I never
>will, but I do buy at least four tubes at a time. I prefer Colgate, dh
>prefers Crest.

I usually buy multiples (as in when on sale) but even then, don't
look. If I did decide to buy, say in Dollarama, then I would check
I usually buy Colgate but sometimes Crest if the price is tempting.