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Gary Gary is offline
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Default #RestaurantHunter no sushi w/ chopsticks !!

Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> I can't fathom why you care whether gaijin use hashi. If I get
> chopsticks with my Chinese carryout, why not use them? They're
> right there, and I don't have to go rustle up a fork.

I often get chinese takeout and I never consider chopsticks for eating
it, even if they include them. I bring it home and get out the spoon and
fork. To "rustle up a fork" takes me like 5 seconds. eheh Another 5
seconds to throw the chopsticks in my drawer.

I just find it funny and odd that Usains seem to only eat with
chopsticks when eating chinese or japanese food. I'd never consider
eating my hamburger with chopsticks. Fries would work can
spear them with one chopstick.