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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default #RestaurantHunter no sushi w/ chopsticks !!

On Thu, 25 Aug 2016 04:03:02 -0700, Taxed and Spent
> wrote:

>On 8/25/2016 3:47 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> On Wednesday, August 24, 2016 at 5:35:11 PM UTC-4, graham wrote:
>>> On 8/24/2016 3:21 PM, Nancy2 wrote:
>>>> Tax, I would hate to see someone eat a hot roast beef sandwich with their hands, so
>>>> the answer is yes, we eat sandwiches with a fork. Lol. Damn, now that's what I
>>>> want for supper.....
>>>> N.
>>> The whole point of a sandwich is that it can be eaten with your hands!
>>> Graham

>> The whole point of a hot roast beef sandwich is that it's covered
>> in gravy.
>> Cindy Hamilton

That's not true, a hot roast beef sandwich can be served without

>Then is it really a sandwich?

Depends whether open faced or not.... an open faced sandwich requires
a knife and fork whether there's gravy or not. However I've had
closed roast beef sandwiches with gravy that are picked up and eaten
same as any regular sandwhich. Then there are French dips, that are
constantly dipped in gravy as one eats. Nowadays the "wrap" has
become in vogue, the fillings all rolled in a wheat tortilla, some
hot, some cold, some dipped, some not. r