#RestaurantHunter no sushi w/ chopsticks !!
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#RestaurantHunter no sushi w/ chopsticks !!
On Thu, 25 Aug 2016 14:29:58 -0300,
>On Thu, 25 Aug 2016 12:51:28 -0400, Brooklyn1
> wrote:
>>On Thu, 25 Aug 2016 10:14:01 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>>>Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>> On Thursday, August 25, 2016 at 8:07:59 AM UTC-4, Gary wrote:
>>>> > Taxed and Spent wrote:
>>>> > >
>>>> > > yes, but that would be akin to saying you can't eat sushi with
>>>> > > chopsticks because a 10 oz chunk of fish is "sushi"
>>>> >
>>>> > I don't do raw seafood or use a pair of twigs to eat any of my meals.
>>>> >
>>>> > Here's a thought.... if you serve a meal for eating with chopsticks, it
>>>> > might be cool to put a pair of drum sticks (musical drumsticks, not
>>>> > chicken ones) into the serving bowls?
>>>> Too big and clumsy. Look at how drumsticks are held versus chopsticks.
>>>Look at how a fork is held versus chopsticks. lol
>>>I'm just teasing at this point. I'm serious about the utensils but it's
>>>funny to argue occasionally. It keeps the group going. I have no
>>>problem with people thinking it's suave to eat with sticks. Just not my
>>I don't mind eating with chop sticks, in fact I'd often ask for them
>>at Chinese restaurants... some times they'd ask if I'm sure as though
>>a round eyes wouldn't know how but they are very suprised to see how
>>defty I can handle chop sticks. What I don't much care for are those
>>Chinese soup spoons, I think they are pretentious, allows one to
>>slurp... If they want to slurp just pick up the bowl and have at it...
>>hypocritical as well because the Chinese pick up the bowl and shovel
>>in rice with chop sticks.
>You must love Trump, you're a racist just like him!
You're the racist to have made that comment... crawl back into your
white trailer trash hole... in fact you don't even own a trailor. you
own nothing, you live in some crumby slummy ghetto basement apt... and
you live on drive-thru fast food because you're too obeasety to get
out of your truck and let any one see your fat assed bod. No one here
has ever seen anything you've cooked, you're a fraud, a fake, and a
major LIAR. This Lucretia **** hasn't posted one honest word yet...
she's a low life troll... IF it's even a she.
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