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notbob notbob is offline
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Default Is this KFC's secret herb and spice recipe?

On 2016-08-27, Sky > wrote:

> I wholeheartedly agree about the "better, more healthful food." Who will
> bet that KFC actually 'hand-makes' their mashed potatoes from scratch in
> each and every restaurant - where an in-house employee actually peels,
> boils, mashes/mixes, and adds the 'extras' (milk/cream, butter, S&P)?
> Just a guess, but I'd venture to say KFC uses instant potato flakes? Or,
> perhaps more than likely (?), each store receives x-number-of-gallons of
> ready-to-serve mashed potatoes packaged in heavy, bulk, plastic
> 'bladders,' but this is another guess, too.

You had me a bit confused. Is this a question of 'who makes real
spuds' or whether-or-not KFC uses dehydrated. It's a given:
KFC uses 'dehydrated'!

Wanna real secret? How does KFC make their cole slaw. With equal
parts milk, wht vinegar, and lemon juice. Add enough sugar to make it
as sweet as you like and --most important!-- let the slaw/dressing
"marinate" fer at least 2 hrs in the fridge.
