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Nancy Young[_8_] Nancy Young[_8_] is offline
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Default The IRS called! was Nutrition for Growing Kids

On 8/28/2016 11:50 AM, Nancy2 wrote:

> nancy, I had one of those calls that was from my "oldest grandson,"
> wanting to know did I know he was on a trip. Ha. My "oldest grandson"
> would never call me because I won't have anything to do with him, and
> the only trip he would be on, would be to jail. I said, "Oh, what was your
> name again?" The caller hung up.

Ha! That's funny. No doubt he was hoping you'd say Joe?? Where
are you, having fun on your trip?

> That is a popular phone scam directed
> towards seniors, and the caller "needs money wired" so they can get home.


> I haven't yet gotten a call from the "IRS." My email address gathers lots of
> emails directed to students, so any day now I expect one of the newest scammers
> to call telling me I owe "federal student tax."

Very creative, and I understand some people fall for that one, too.
I can see why, more than the IRS thing. Or any of the We're going
to shut off your electricity unless you go to Walgreen's and get a
Green Dot card. Etc.
