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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Microwave Oven Inverter Technology

"Roy" wrote in message

My old microwave oven finally gave up the ghost after service for over
thirty years. There are mixed reviews of Panasonic's line of microwave ovens
with the inverter technology.
I ordered a Panasonic regular mid-sized model on sale for $119.00 CAD.
Have any of you with the new inverter technology experienced any problems? I
liked the concept of the new models but repair record was a bit iffy and it
scared me off choosing one.

Yes I have it and have never had problems I've had mine for a few years
and it is excellent. If you have the 'chaos' function, use it! It is a
defroster and works beautifully. You need to punch in the weight and type
and leave it to do its job. I use the convection for small amounts of food
.... excellent too. The regular 'defrost' function is rubbish the same as on
other machines.
