KFC "recipe" taste test.
"Brooklyn1" > wrote in message
> On Thu, 1 Sep 2016 09:25:36 +0100, "Ophelia" >
> wrote:
>>"Leonard Blaisdell" wrote in message
>>In article >, Brooklyn1
> wrote:
>>> Cilantro tastes like soap to me too but I love beets.
>>> The soapy cilantro taste is genetic, same as some can eat asparagus
>>> and their pee doesn't stink.
>>My pee stinks when I eat asparagus, but cilantro is delicious. Now I
>>have a question. As I was an angel as a child and never swore, I didn't
>>have to eat soap and was encouraged not to do so. I see that many of
>>you did. Hmm...
>>lol nor did I, as it happens, but then we all know that only children were
>>perfect ... <g>
> Anyone who bathes regularly knows the taste of soap.