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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Ham sandwich with mayo on a Panera Asiago Cheese Bagel!

Gary wrote:
>IMO, bagels make stupid sandwiches unless all ingredients are hard. Bite
>into one and all the soft ingredients squeeze right out. Where's the fun
>in that? A half bagel, open faced is ok though.

Bagels are not intended for sandwiches, they're intended for a filling
of no more than a schmear (cream cheese or butter) and a
soupcon/schmeckel lox, chopped herring, or other smoked fish
(whitefish/sturgeon). The bagel is the main event, not the filling...
when I was eating Brooklyn bagels hot from the oven I didn't want
anything in them, don't dare slice them. The bagel is the only bread
I know that once it's cold it's stale... and toasted bagels are an
abomination. Eating a cold bagel is the same as eating a soft boiled
egg cold, yik.