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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Is this KFC's secret herb and spice recipe?

On 2016-09-03 9:36 AM, wrote:

> Used to love it back in the 70s - we would pick up a bucket for supper
> as that was the night we got the groceries after work. I liked the
> 'extra' crispy that was in for awhile but then it seemed to go off in
> general. I tried some last summer and while it was edible, don't
> think I will bother again. You're right though, it's still popular,
> there are always people there, no shortage.

I first had it in the 60s and loved it. I only had it a few times but
then had it with my not yet wife in the early 70s and was sadly
disappointed. I have not bought it since but have had a couple pieces
and was not impressed enough to overcome that dismal experience.