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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default Lest there be any further confusion (WAS: Hurricanes andflank steak)

On 9/3/2016 10:09 AM, Ophelia wrote:
> "Gary" wrote in message ...
> Ophelia wrote:
>> Why is monosodium glutamate despised here so much? I use it,
>> although in
>> minute amounts, and I it would be good to know what the big problem is.

> It's just the purists here that hate "chemicals." They will all die just
> as quick as everyone else without ever knowing about good taste in
> foods.
> =========
> Ahhh ... ok thanks It seems that there are many chemicals in ready
> made processed foods but from what I read they are regularly eaten. I
> just wondered why the particular hate for msg?

Some people seem to have an allergic reaction to it, headaches and the
like. While I don't avoid it if it is in a food I happen to be eating,
I've never found the need to use it myself.

What is MSG allergy?
Flushing, sweating, chest pain, and weakness are all potential reactions
to monosodium glutamate, or MSG, a flavor enhancer and popular
ingredient in many Asian cuisines. Other symptoms include headache,
facial pressure, drowsiness, and numbness and tingling in the face,
back, and arms.