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dsi1[_17_] dsi1[_17_] is offline
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Default Complete dinners

On Friday, September 2, 2016 at 11:46:21 PM UTC-10, Gary wrote:
> dsi1 wrote:
> >
> > I haven't had those in a while - my problem is that the stores don't carry the Mexican entrees. Does that seem right? Those are the only ones I like. Major bummers.

> I've noticed that too. I wonder why? Some of them weren't bad.
> PS - I'm talking about regular frozen dinners. I've never seen the
> "shelf stable" dinners

Me too. The Mexicans probably consider those things as culturally insensitive and I can't blame them but I like how they have mostly beans and rice in them. Like most frozen dinners, they tend to have weird meat in them but at least it's in smaller amounts than most.

Willie: You're sure you don't want a TV dinner?
Eva: Yes. I'm not hungry. Why is it called TV dinner?
Willie: Um... You're supposed to eat it while you watch TV. Television.
Eva: I know what a TV is. Where does that meat come from?
Willie: What do you mean?
Eva: What does that meat come from?
Willie: I guess it comes from a cow.
Eva: From a cow? It doesn't even look like meat.
Willie: Eva, stop bugging me, will you? You know, this is the way we eat in America. I got my meat, I got my potatoes, I got my vegetables, I got my dessert, and I don't even have to wash the dishes.