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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Who Decided that Food Needs to be Exposed to Fire........

On 9/3/2016 9:43 AM, l not -l wrote:
> On 2-Sep-2016, wrote:
>> Who Decided that Food Needs to be Exposed to Fire before it's eaten.

> Most sources attribute it to Ogg, who was eating the right haunch of a large
> bird and had some root vegetables on the flat rock he used as a table. A
> lightning storm came up (just lightning, no significant rain) and Ogg took
> cover in his cave. Lightning struck a bush next to his flat rock and burned
> for quite a while. When he returned to his dinner, Ogg found it strangely
> transformed by the fire. The meat was much more delicious; Ogg named the
> effect "the my-yard" reaction, since the transformation occured in his front
> yard. The root vegetable were so much easier to eat; they were softer,
> making it so much easier to eat with missing and deteriorated teeth. It
> caught on because so many of Ogg's friends and family also had problems with
> their teeth - this happened many years before O-rel-B discovered how
> rubbing a twig on teeth 2-3 times/day could keep them from rotting so much.
> Anyway, by the time teeth were better, people were accustomed to "firing"
> their food and have continued without really know why they do it, it's just
> what you do with food. It's sort-of like responding to dumb-ass troll
> questions; nobody knows why we do it, we just do - it's tradition.

Cha'ching! I vote this the best reply to a troll ever!
