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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Who Decided that Food Needs to be Exposed to Fire........

"dsi1" wrote in message

On Friday, September 2, 2016 at 5:45:40 PM UTC-10, wrote:
> Who Decided that Food Needs to be Exposed to Fire before it's eaten.
> With a few exceptions, almost everything we eat is exposed to fire in
> some form or other. WHY??????
> Ok, I would not want to eat raw meat, but why must we cook (use fire) on
> vegetables, fruits, grains, and so on?
> Personally, I hate cooking, and cooking is all about exposing food to
> fire. Its not the fire that I hate, it's the fact that food burns, gets
> stuck to pots and pans, and requires precise timing and control of the
> flames. Something I have never been able to get right!
> If it was not for restaurants, I'd live on salads and other raw fruit
> and veggies.

You're in luck - in the future, we'll be 3-D printing our foods and
microwaving it. No fire involved - unless you consider electromagnetic
radiation to be "fire." I can't wait!

Hey talking about your future predictions, did you predict that a car could
inform other similar cars of free parking spots???
