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Bruce[_28_] Bruce[_28_] is offline
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Default Lest there be any further confusion (WAS: Hurricanes and flank steak)

In article >,
> On Saturday, September 3, 2016 at 7:52:47 AM UTC-4, Bruce wrote:
> > In article >,
> >
> > >

> > If you'd make your own dressing, would you have a problem if the
> > flavor was ok, but it turned out clearish?

> I'd be fine with it. However, Wishbone has to attract buyers in
> stores, so they have to make it look attractive.

They must have decided that this attracts more people than if they left
it out and wrote "No added colouring" on the bottle, in big letters.

> > And how hard is it to combine some oil, vinegar and herbs yourself?

> Dead simple. I do it all the time. I never use bottled salad dressing
> at home. Honestly, though, I do try it at home sometimes. "Maybe I
> could tolerate 'this' sort of bottled dressing when I'm hurried or
> tired". It never works out, though, and I end up throwing the experiment
> away. Better to splash on some plain oil and vinegar, separately,
> or just squeeze some lemon juice.


> > I'm not sure how it relates to that definition, but I saw an
> > explanation
> > on TV of how they make natural vanilla flavoring. Real vanilla's created
> > by orchids. It's an expensive ingredient. The food industry's created a
> > workaround. They take orchid genes and place them in yeast organisms.
> > This is genetic engineering. As a result, the yeast organisms start to
> > poo vanilla. This much cheaper vanilla's then used instead of the
> > original and is called "natural vanilla flavoring".

> Yep, that's definitely and end-run around the regulations. Still,
> if they poo the same complex chemical signature as vanilla, I don't
> care. It's the same as the way they make insulin.

From what I understood, it's the exact same vanilla. It's just
misleading to call that 'natural vanilla flavoring', as they're allowed
to do, at least in Europe, but maybe everywhere.