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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Who Decided that Food Needs to be Exposed to Fire........

On 2016-09-04 9:23 AM, Gary wrote:

> Oh hell yes. When I was married, we lived on the ground floor. Crickets
> would get inside and be totally silent until the middle of the night.
> *******s. Once they started chirping, I had to move furniture to catch
> them. Once I found, caught, and flushed, I was wide awake and it was
> hard to get back to sleep. I hated those things. _

My in-laws lived in an apartment after they sold their house and when
MiL died FiL moved into a single bedroom unit. All was great for a
couple months.... until there was a cricket. It kept him awake until
late at night and often woke him up. He spent a lot of time looking for
that thing, but it was hard because it only chirped occasionally. He
ended up calling the super. It turned out to be the low battery warning
on the smoke detector.