pork & beans
On Mon, 5 Sep 2016 19:02:23 -0700, "Paul M. Cook" >
>"sf" > wrote in message
.. .
>> I made pork & beans for dinner last night... Asian style. Ground pork,
>> haricots verts instead of long beans (because I like them better) and
>> Asian seasonings. Against my better judgment, as per the recipe I used
>> all the Thai basil and sure enough - hubby didn't like it, but said he
>> liked it after he picked out what he could find. I'll make it again,
>> but with less basil next time.
this is definitely not my Dad's can of Porknbeans we used to eat cold
out of the can on the fishing boat. Sounds interesting sf! Does Thai
basil impart flavor similar to the very shiney green beans I find on
my local Chinese buffet? Ground pork and green beans sounds good to