Thread: Chicken Pot Pie
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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Chicken Pot Pie

Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> It's kind of moot, though. I don't bake very much because I'd end
> up eating the whole thing and gaining back some of the weight I've
> worked so hard to lose. If I want a little dessert, I go to the
> bakery that also sells the lard (they're very big on people loving
> and making good food) and buy a cupcake or a slice of pie.

I'm the same way. I rarely make dessert food. If it's here, I'll eat it.
Safer for me to just buy a one-time portion from the bakery or so. For
my birthday a little over a year ago, rather than make a carrot cake, I
just bought a little 3" square carrot cake. One time treat and no
leftovers to eat for days.