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tert in seattle tert in seattle is offline
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Default Lest there be any further confusion (WAS: Hurricanes andflank steak)

Ophelia wrote:
> "Taxed and Spent" wrote in message ...
> On 9/6/2016 12:03 PM, tert in seattle wrote:
>> notbob wrote:
>>> On 2016-09-06, cshenk > wrote:
>>>> It became popular to blame MSG in the late 90's.....
>>> ?????
>>> The "Chinese restaurant syndrome" was around and common way back in
>>> the 60s. By the 90s, MSG had been declared "generally recognized as
>>> safe" (GRAS), much like GMOs are, today. (as if.....) 8|
>>> nb

>> .That Won-Ton Soup Headache.: The Chinese Restaurant Syndrome, MSG and
>> the Making of American Food, 1968.1980
>> Ian Mosby*
>> *Department of History, York University, Toronto, ON, Canada. E-mail:
>> Soc Hist Med first published online February 2, 2009
>> doi:10.1093/shm/hkn098
>> [Reprinted without permission (sue me!)]

> I stopped reading after it was stated it was the result of racism. Is
> there a summary beyond that from this article? Maybe that MSG has
> caused a world full of gluten intolerance?
> I didn't read it all, but I was interested to read this:
> "none of the writers described experiencing the
> syndrome outside an American context"
> "he had never experienced
> the syndrome before his arrival in the United States."
> Was that explained later on?

not really explained, no

Just as Kwok had stressed that he had only ever experienced the Chinese
restaurant syndrome in the American context, the syndrome was largely
unknown in countries like Japan and China, both of whom had been using
MSG for much longer than in the United States.51 Yet, during the 1970s
at least, American researchers conducted no comparative studies of MSG
research in either country and the syndrome's uniquely American origins
went largely unexplored.