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William[_5_] William[_5_] is offline
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Posts: 676
Default biscuit crunchy pastry

On Wed, 7 Sep 2016 05:15:17 +1000, F Murtz >

>tried that but not realizing that the internet has so many americans I
>asked for biscuit based and ended up with recipes based on broken
>biscuits,but even now saying cookie cookie I am still ending up with
>similar or a recipe for making biscuits (cookies) none sound like her

Fred Murtz, tell us the Country in the World where this type of
cuisine originated? Where was the person you refer to as "her" from?
If we know what country she is from, we may be able to learn more
about baking in that country.

If you search "Recipe Source" for instance, you can look for the
cuisine of a specify region of the world.
