Thread: ping Bruce
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Taxed and Spent Taxed and Spent is offline
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Default ping Bruce

On 9/7/2016 4:05 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 9/7/2016 6:32 PM, Janet wrote:
>> In article >,
>> says...
>>> On 9/7/2016 9:31 AM, Janet wrote:
>>>> IMO Cowell has a great deal to answer for in commercially exploiting
>>>> such a vulnerable person and exposing her to pressures that right from
>>>> the start, she couldn't cope with. However, her saving grace is that
>>>> she
>>>> still lives in her original home and community. Susan Boyle will still
>>>> be singing live to people who like to hear her, long after the
>>>> entertainment world has forgotten Cowell.
>>>> Janet UK
>>> I don't blame him. She said on stage she wanted to be a professional
>>> singer. He gave her the opportunity.

>> He knew she is mentally impaired and unstable from when she walked on
>> stage that very first time. It was apparent in her bizarre behaviour,
>> and the face Cowell made. As soon as she hit the headlines her lifetime
>> intellectual and social impairments ( braindamaged at birth) was one of
>> the most frequently reported things about her. She also has Aspergers .
>> Janet UK.

> So she should not have an opportunity to follow her dream? Success in
> not guaranteed and it is hard work. Maybe he did exploit but he also
> gave her the chance no one else did.

But if you were in that position, wouldn't you have given her the chance
WITHOUT exploiting her? Cowell could have done so.