Thread: ping Bruce
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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default ping Bruce

On 9/7/2016 8:55 PM, Bruce wrote:

>>>>> He knew she is mentally impaired and unstable from when she walked on
>>>>> stage that very first time. It was apparent in her bizarre behaviour,
>>>>> and the face Cowell made. As soon as she hit the headlines her lifetime
>>>>> intellectual and social impairments ( braindamaged at birth) was one of
>>>>> the most frequently reported things about her. She also has Aspergers .
>>>>> Janet UK.
>>>> So she should not have an opportunity to follow her dream? Success in
>>>> not guaranteed and it is hard work. Maybe he did exploit but he also
>>>> gave her the chance no one else did.
>>> But if you were in that position, wouldn't you have given her the chance
>>> WITHOUT exploiting her? Cowell could have done so.

>> I would hope so, but I'm not in that business so I don't know how it
>> works in detail. Nor have we seen her contract.

> The contract has a special clause: "If you get mentally completely
> messed up during the process, that's alright, because we'll have made
> our money and Ed will still defend us."

You missed the part where I get 5% after that too.