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ping Bruce
> >
> Your lot are just craftily manipulated. Now the Beatles were supreme
> musicians, their music was music and very clever.
You'll get no argument from me there. The Beatles were the best of all
time. Together and later when they broke up, John Lennon and George
Harrison. Ringo was meh and Paul is a be-bop musician.
Lennon was my "musical hero." Harrison's "All Things Must Pass" album
was amazing.
Nostalgia: I watched the Beatles when they first made their debut in
America. The Ed Sullivan Show in 1964, I think. Notice I said that I
watched them. I remember it being hard to hear them as during the entire
thing, all the girls in the audience were screaming.
Why do women do that? You go to see the Beatles, but then you scream
during the entire song? wth? I guess that's a Mars/Venus thing.
also more nostalgia: A few years later for Christmas, I got my first
stereo. With it was my very first LP's. They were "Meet the Beatles" and
the Beatles "2nd Album." I still have them both. :-D
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