Thread: ping Bruce
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Gary Gary is offline
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Default ping Bruce

> I
> don't watch PBS when they are fund raising but where else are you
> going to find programmes like Frontline, Nova and some of the British
> shows like Downton Abbey or Mr. Selfridge? PBS is great.

PBS is mostly *YAWN* and has-been material. Not all, I'll grant you, but
They don't do commercials because no business would pay to advertise
So instead, they gather our tax money (under the ARTS thing) and they
pretend not to advertise but they do. And then, every time they THINK
they are showing something special, they replace commercial time with
begging for donation time. I'd rather watch an amusing Geico

Most of those British shows are majorly boring....actually they ALL are.
That's why they are shown on PBS only.