Thread: ping Bruce
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default ping Bruce

On 2016-09-08 9:18 AM, Gary wrote:
> wrote:

> We have old people here then we old people have "our parents" here. Roy
> admitted he's 80 now. My parents generation that hated all the good
> music in the 60's and beyond. I suspect lucretia is also in that
> generation. Something she's mentioned in the past leads me to believe
> this.
> You two old farts! Rolling Stones are musical legends. Great music,
> just not for old farts.

There are lots of legends who are widely adored by some while others are
indifferent to them. I really liked the Rolling Stones back in the mid
60s. AFAIAC, the music went right down the tubes shortly after. I have
no Rolling Stone CDs. I had ripped a couple of the other albums and
copied them to my MP3 player and then deleted them.

Disliking some of the songs of an era does not make one a complete
curmudgeon. There is lots of other good music from those days. Judging
from the number of oldies stations and the amount of air time given to
music of the decades I would say that the 60s and 70s music remains
popular and that pop music has been sliding downhill ever since.