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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Leaving sauce in a pot

"Brooklyn1" wrote in message

Helpful person wrote:
>Jill McQuown wrote:
>>Gary wrote:
>> >Helpful person wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Simmering a home made tomato sauce to reduce the volume will burn in a
>> >> stainless steel pot.
>> >
>> > I make spaghetti sauce once or twice a year in large batches...6-7
>> > quarts. I use an 8-quart RevereWare stainless pot with lid. I've never
>> > had solids burn on the bottom. As I said, you just need to know how to
>> > use the stainless pans. Also, my simmer is very low. Seriously, I've
>> > never had your problem but I do check on mine occasionally and stir it.
>> >
>> > :-D
>> >

>> Ditto that. I made tomato sauce for my spaghetti not long ago and used
>> a Revereware SS pot. Nothing burned or stuck to the bottom of the pan.
>> Naturally if the heat is too high and you just walk off and leave it
>> without ever stirring it you're bound to have problems. What the
>> pan/pot is made of isn't the problem!
>> Jill

>If you're making a large batch, about 25 quarts being reduced to about 15

If your sauce needs that much reducing then you are using the wrong
type of tomato for sauce. I made the error of using salad tomatoes
for sauce once, never again... they contain far too much water for
making sauce, I had to simmer it more than 24 hours for all that
excess water to evaporate... since then I've used Romas, they are much
easier to grow too and the yield is fantastically high. I like Romas
better for sandwiches too, no more leaky sandwiches. I slice salad
tomatoes into wedges, season and eat with a fork or put the wedges
into a tossed salad and still all their juice collects at the bottom
of the bowl... and cherry tomatoes are the worst for sauce, not only
are they loaded with water they have tons of seeds for such tiny
things and very tough skin... their salvation is that they are very
tasty and don't require coring or slicing.


Agree on the Romas. They are all I grow
