Bacon Wrapped Pork Tenderloin
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Bacon Wrapped Pork Tenderloin
On 9/9/2016 10:04 AM,
> On Fri, 9 Sep 2016 06:53:55 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
> > wrote:
>> On Friday, September 9, 2016 at 8:47:02 AM UTC-4, wrote:
>>> On Fri, 09 Sep 2016 08:02:25 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, 08 Sep 2016 22:05:07 -0700, koko > wrote:
>>>>>> Tonight's dinner was a pork tenderloin cut into 5 oz pieces and
>>>>>> wrapped in bacon. The bacon side was seared in a hot pan then the pork
>>>>>> was roasted in a 400*F oven.
>>>>>> Turned out perfect, the inside was just past pink, still moist and
>>>>>> tender. I'll be doing this again.
>>>>>> koko
>>>>> I'll have to try that, sometimes pork tenderloin is somewhat lacking
>>>>> in flavour, the bacon would give it a boost.
>>>> Your food looks good, Koko. (not the famous gorilla)
>>>> And to Lucretia... if pork tenderloin is somewhat lacking in flavor I
>>>> doubt I'll ever bother spending the money on it. Bacon helps many
>>>> dishes but I won't bother starting with a blah meat that actually needs
>>>> help.
>>> At least give it a try, lots of people love it. I prefer pork belly
>>> with all the tasty crackling on it
>> I like both. It doesn't have to be one or the other. Each has a
>> distinct purpose in my kitchen.
>> Cindy Hamilton
> I think with the tenderloin, beef or pork, being so lean it doesn't
> cook up in such a yummy way without some fat. When I buy prime rib of
> beef I get the butcher to cut it with generous fat, without all the
> trimming they do for the showcase pieces, you don't have to eat it but
> it sure gives the meat a flavour. Yes I know I pay per ounce for the
> fat that isn't eaten but the meat that is has a more delicious
> flavour.
That reminds me, I need to cook the standing rib roast I have in the
freezer. And yes, it has a nice fat-cap.
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