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Posts: 36,804
On 9/9/2016 8:02 AM, Gary wrote:
>> Brooklyn1 wrote:
>>> Today I bought new
>>> feeder food, a syrup concentrate instead of the sugar, 1 part syrup to
>>> 3 parts water. I bought it at Lowe's:
>> Ornithologists always advocate making your own syrup, one part sugar
>> to four of water. The red dye in the boughten syrup is unnecessary
>> and bad for them.
> So I guess the red dye is to attract them? Someone mentioned that they
> are attracted to the color red. It's hard to believe they could just
> live off of sugar water. Do these birds die very young from diabetes?
> They *do* get plenty of exercise though with all the mega wing action.
> I assume they get other nutritional needs from some other source but if
> they have a bird feeder handy, would they even bother eating anywhere
> else? Are hummingbird feeders the "fast-food" joints for them?
> Guess it's time to Google them. :-D
Or you could put out a feeder for them
The red dye in the sugar water is what is unnecessary. They definitely
are attracted to red. Mainly red flowers with lots of natural nectar.
Of course they will supplement sugar water from feeders if there are not
sufficient flowers around to provide them that mainstay of energy. And
yes, they do also eat tiny flying insects.
If they have natural flowers around that are abundant in nectar I'm sure
they would go for them, first.
I don't happen to have any of these flowers growing around my house or yard:
I'll just hang a feeder with sugar water.
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