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Jeßus[_53_] Jeßus[_53_] is offline
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Default Leaving sauce in a pot

On Thu, 08 Sep 2016 21:24:15 -0400, Brooklyn1
> wrote:

>On Fri, 09 Sep 2016 09:09:47 +1000, Jeßus > wrote:
>>On Thu, 8 Sep 2016 17:49:35 -0400, S Viemeister
> wrote:
>>>On 9/8/2016 4:52 PM, Je?us wrote:
>>>(snip Sheldon crapola)
>>>> If you're gonna type when drunk, at least use a spell checker.
>>>Perhaps he has his own, special, spell-checker?

>>Unless he posts pics of it, I won't believe it

>I post with Agent, I choose not to use their spell check because I
>prefer my own spelling with several woids, capeche!

Oh, I see I will admit Agent's spell checker isn't the best anyway.

>I'm not drunk, it's very difficult to get plastered on 2 packs of
>ramen. I don't pour my Crystal Palace before 6 PM, I have one or two
>double shots at the most... I don't think anyone can become inebreated
>from two trays if mice cubes and a liter of diet Sprite...

What if the mice had consumed hard drugs first?

>maybe it's
>that quarter wedge of fresh lemon... BJs has bags of 9 huge fresh
>Sunkist lemons for $2.99. My wife being Belizean prefers lime with
>her dark rum n'coke... but she's not much of a drinker, maybe 2-3
>shots a week... mostly plain Coke with lots of lime, half a lime to a
>12 ounce can. Belizeans love their lime, in cooking too, especially

I'm a big fan of limes too, and often use them instead of lemons.
I might make a lime chicken piccata soon - been meaning to do that for
a while now.

>Belize has some of the best fresh seafood on the planet...
>aside from Austrailia Belize has the largest barrier reef.

We also have plenty of good seafood - assuming you can get your hands
on it before it's exported...

> I spent a
>lot of time snorkeling, I felt like Jaques Cousteau, amazing views.

Do you take a spell checker with you when snorkeling?