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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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On Fri, 09 Sep 2016 08:02:12 -0400, Gary > wrote:

>> Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> >Today I bought new
>> >feeder food, a syrup concentrate instead of the sugar, 1 part syrup to
>> >3 parts water. I bought it at Lowe's:
>> >

>> Ornithologists always advocate making your own syrup, one part sugar
>> to four of water. The red dye in the boughten syrup is unnecessary
>> and bad for them.

>So I guess the red dye is to attract them? Someone mentioned that they
>are attracted to the color red. It's hard to believe they could just
>live off of sugar water. Do these birds die very young from diabetes?
>They *do* get plenty of exercise though with all the mega wing action.
>I assume they get other nutritional needs from some other source but if
>they have a bird feeder handy, would they even bother eating anywhere
>else? Are hummingbird feeders the "fast-food" joints for them?
>Guess it's time to Google them. :-D

Hummingbirds feed on small flying insects (gnats etc.) for protein,
the nectar provides energy for flitting about.