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external usenet poster
Posts: 18,814
On Fri, 09 Sep 2016 07:32:23 -0300,
>On Thu, 08 Sep 2016 20:04:13 -0400, Brooklyn1
> wrote:
>>On Thu, 8 Sep 2016 18:45:12 -0400, jmcquown >
>>>On 9/8/2016 9:29 AM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 7 Sep 2016 22:24:23 -0400, jmcquown >
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> You want her to show you her hummingbird feeder? I don't know about
>>>>> hers but mine is a Perky Pet Hummzinger feeder. It looks like a flying
>>>>> saucer. The design is like this:
>>>>> I'm sorry I cannot take a photo of my hummingbird feeder ATM since it's
>>>>> dark outside.
>>>>> Jill
>>>> I've seen that type of feeder and it would be easier than mine for
>>>> woodpeckers to perch on it, yours has those perches all around each
>>>> feeding port, mine has no perches, however woodpecker's legs are such
>>>> that they can grab on to most anything as they march up and down tree
>>>> trunks. Hummingbirds don't need to perch to feed, in fact I've never
>>>> seen them perch when feeding, not even from flowers... occasionally
>>>> they'll perch on my wire fence.
>>>I see them perch on my feeder all the time. It must be exhausting to be
>>>a hummingbird.
>>They usually attack me when I refill their feeder, they're very
>>territorial and posssive about their feeder. Today I bought new
>>feeder food, a syrup concentrate instead of the sugar, 1 part syrup to
>>3 parts water. I bought it at Lowe's:
>Ornithologists always advocate making your own syrup, one part sugar
>to four of water. The red dye in the boughten syrup is unnecessary
>and bad for them.
The red is a natural plant dye same as in tons of human foods. Those
who say to mix your own it's strictly for political reasons, they are
against businesses making a buck, in fact the pet product companies
who sell hummer syrup charge less than the price of plain white sugar,
and their product is cleaner, it's sterile. Mixing ones own is not
always recommended, many people's tap water contains added chemicals
(chlorine, flouride) and may even be polluted to begin with. For
hummers I use distilled water, about $3/gal at Walmart.
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