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On Fri, 09 Sep 2016 20:21:44 -0400, Brooklyn1
> wrote:

>On Fri, 09 Sep 2016 07:32:23 -0300, wrote:
>>On Thu, 08 Sep 2016 20:04:13 -0400, Brooklyn1
> wrote:
>>>On Thu, 8 Sep 2016 18:45:12 -0400, jmcquown >
>>>>On 9/8/2016 9:29 AM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, 7 Sep 2016 22:24:23 -0400, jmcquown >
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> You want her to show you her hummingbird feeder? I don't know about
>>>>>> hers but mine is a Perky Pet Hummzinger feeder. It looks like a flying
>>>>>> saucer. The design is like this:
>>>>>> I'm sorry I cannot take a photo of my hummingbird feeder ATM since it's
>>>>>> dark outside.
>>>>>> Jill
>>>>> I've seen that type of feeder and it would be easier than mine for
>>>>> woodpeckers to perch on it, yours has those perches all around each
>>>>> feeding port, mine has no perches, however woodpecker's legs are such
>>>>> that they can grab on to most anything as they march up and down tree
>>>>> trunks. Hummingbirds don't need to perch to feed, in fact I've never
>>>>> seen them perch when feeding, not even from flowers... occasionally
>>>>> they'll perch on my wire fence.
>>>>I see them perch on my feeder all the time. It must be exhausting to be
>>>>a hummingbird.
>>>They usually attack me when I refill their feeder, they're very
>>>territorial and posssive about their feeder. Today I bought new
>>>feeder food, a syrup concentrate instead of the sugar, 1 part syrup to
>>>3 parts water. I bought it at Lowe's:

>>Ornithologists always advocate making your own syrup, one part sugar
>>to four of water. The red dye in the boughten syrup is unnecessary
>>and bad for them.

>The red is a natural plant dye same as in tons of human foods. Those
>who say to mix your own it's strictly for political reasons, they are
>against businesses making a buck, in fact the pet product companies
>who sell hummer syrup charge less than the price of plain white sugar,
>and their product is cleaner, it's sterile. Mixing ones own is not
>always recommended, many people's tap water contains added chemicals
>(chlorine, flouride) and may even be polluted to begin with. For
>hummers I use distilled water, about $3/gal at Walmart.

Don't be dense! The syrup needs to be boiled.