Bacon Wrapped Pork Tenderloin
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Bacon Wrapped Pork Tenderloin
> I think with the tenderloin, beef or pork, being so lean it doesn't
> cook up in such a yummy way without some fat. When I buy prime rib of
> beef I get the butcher to cut it with generous fat, without all the
> trimming they do for the showcase pieces, you don't have to eat it but
> it sure gives the meat a flavour. Yes I know I pay per ounce for the
> fat that isn't eaten but the meat that is has a more delicious
> flavour.
Fat is so full of flavor. I would gladly pay for extra. I'll have to ask
if my grocery store butcher can save me some beef fat. Or, I'll drive up
and see if that old butcher shop is still in business.
Many like shrimp wrapped in bacon. I've never had it but it sounds good.
I do suspect it would only taste like bacon though.
What sounds even better to me is shrimp butterflied and sautéed in
rendered beef fat. YUM.
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