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Jeßus[_53_] Jeßus[_53_] is offline
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Default ping Bruce

On Sat, 10 Sep 2016 17:47:11 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>On 2016-09-10 4:07 PM, Je?us wrote:
>> On Fri, 9 Sep 2016 18:17:52 -0400, Dave Smith
>> > wrote:

>>> I may be getting old, but I listen to a wide range of music.

>> I know I certainly do, my tastes are quite eclectic. Not particularly
>> mainstream though. Well, not very much at all, actually. Very rare I
>> like something that is popular.

>It must be difficult to be in the music business these days.

It is if you try to play the sucker's game - that being relying on
mainstream media and record companies for your career.

In some ways things have never been better for aspiring musicians
these days, what with the Internet. Plenty of artists out there that
'nobody' has ever heard of, and yet make reasonably good livings.

>It doesn't
>seem like that long ago that there were a small number of radio stations
>playing the top 100 or so. I know there are a lot more stations now
>because I occasionally use the auto scan.

A lot more stations but far fewer independents (or almost none, now).
Clear Channel owns practically all stations in the U.S, for example.

>I can't tell you much about
>the content because most of the time I land on a station in the middle
>of a blaring commercial, which generally makes me automatically flip to
>another station. Thank goodness my car stereo has a CD player, a USB
>port and an auxiliary socket.

I listen to the (non-commerical) ABC stations here, otherwise the good
old USB save the day here too. I quite simply can't listen or watch
anything with ads, whether on TV or radio.

>When the radio gets tiresome I switch to
>pre-recorded music. I have more than 50 albums burned and copied to each
>of two memory sticks plus one with comedy podcasts.

I have a huge comedy collection here which took me about 15 years to
aquire Also about 6 TB of lossless music on the PC, which goes
through a high end DAC to my hifi. It's easy to copy these files over
to a USB stick for the cars.

Right now I'm listening to this podcast:
Especially interesing for me as I'm also an Aspie.