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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default Those Hormel "Compleat" meals

On 9/11/2016 5:35 PM, dsi1 wrote:

>> They are a good "backup" plan. I keep them on hand at my office. We don't have a refrigerator. We do have a microwave. I never plan on eating them, but on hectic days I'm glad to have them. They're not too bad if you steer clear of mashed potatoes. Make sure they're piping hot and eat quickly.

> I bought 3 of the Complete meals. I have a small refrigerator at the office but I like the idea of having foods that require no special handling. They were on sale for $2.49 each. I like to eat in the office if I can, because it saves me money. Outside food would cost me 7 to 13 bucks. Typically, I'll eat a hot dog and bun or instant cup noodle. That cost me about a buck. The Complete Meal will cost twice that but it's a lot cheaper than my other options. I'll probably think the potatoes are just fine. I don't get a chance to eat potatoes very often so yeah, I'll think they're OK.

I usually take leftovers, but I keep a few frozen entrees in the freezer
for times I don't bring a lunch. Eating out can easily be $200 a month.
In addition, I enjoy the company of one or two of my co-workers.
We've been eating together for many years.