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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Those Hormel "Compleat" meals

On 9/11/2016 5:50 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> I bought 3 of the Complete meals. I have a small refrigerator at the
>> office but I like the idea of having foods that require no special
>> handling. They were on sale for $2.49 each. I like to eat in the
>> office if I can, because it saves me money. Outside food would cost me
>> 7 to 13 bucks. Typically, I'll eat a hot dog and bun or instant cup
>> noodle. That cost me about a buck. The Complete Meal will cost twice
>> that but it's a lot cheaper than my other options. I'll probably think
>> the potatoes are just fine. I don't get a chance to eat potatoes very
>> often so yeah, I'll think they're OK.


Sorry for piggybacking, Ed.

dsi1 acts like potatoes are a foreign food. Oh wait... he's in Hawaii.
Better to heat up a cup of Ramen noodles than cook a potato.

Of course we are talking about that stuff that will keep if the Bomb
eventually catches up with us. Living in shelters with shelf stable food.

> I usually take leftovers, but I keep a few frozen entrees in the freezer
> for times I don't bring a lunch. Eating out can easily be $200 a month.
> In addition, I enjoy the company of one or two of my co-workers. We've
> been eating together for many years.

I rarely eat out. Leftovers make great homemade frozen entrees.
