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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Lest there be any further confusion (WAS: Hurricanes andflanksteak)

On 2016-09-11 7:14 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 9/11/2016 6:48 PM, Cheri wrote:

>> Yes, I never understand it when someone says...why don't you Google it
>> when asking about recipes etc. or someone says that was already talked
>> about in 2004 or some nonsense like that, who cares, maybe someone
>> missed it then, it doesn't take a lot not to respond if you don't know
>> the answer or don't care to respond to it.
>> Cheri

> I do Google recipes at times, but I'd rather have one with first hand
> experience. The other day Dave posted his method of doing Greek style
> marinade on pork tenderloin. I'll be trying it in the next few weeks.
> Good chance I'd not see that on a Google search.

Glad to hear that Ed. I deconstructed that from a meal I had in a Greek
restaurant. It was the special of the day and I was there with a
co-worker who said he had never had pork tenderloin. He said he had seen
in the stores but the cost per pound was so high that he never got it.
Sorry I can't give exact measurements because I adjust in my head for
the amount of meat, but stick to the one part lemon juice to two parts
olive oil. My wife loved the results of my deconstruction and it is one
that she is willing to do on her own, and she has done an excellent job.
It needs sold, and the amount of garlic can vary with the potency of the
garlic and how much you like garlic. It really is good. It cooks
quickly. You don't want it too pink and you don't want to over do it.