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Jeßus[_53_] Jeßus[_53_] is offline
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Default Corned beef & gelatin

On Sun, 11 Sep 2016 19:51:29 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>On 2016-09-11 7:32 PM, Bruce wrote:
>> In article >, lid
>> says...
>>> On Sun, 11 Sep 2016 12:52:34 -0700 (PDT), Roy >
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Sunday, September 11, 2016 at 1:46:04 PM UTC-6, Bruce wrote:

>>> He's a vegetarian who has problems with people eating meat. It's
>>> animal cruelty, yannow? Except for fish, apparently. Fish are *******s
>>> and don't deserve to live. It's not cruel to kill and eat fish,
>>> apparently. Cognitive dissonance at it's very finest.

>> That was a bit childish, Jebus. It's alright, though. We all have our
>> weaker moments.

>Nope. He has pretty well nailed it. I know a number of people who are
>whatever you want to label people who don't eat four legged meat or
>chicken but who eat fish and seafood. Chickens, pigs, cows and lambs
>are killed in a pretty humane manner. Shrimp and fish are dragged up in
>nets and thrown into the hull of the boat and left to suffocate. I can't
>imagine how someone can think that sort of death is more humane than
>having a shot to the head or the head chopped off.

I do note that he had no answer for the double standard I pointed out.
Piscatorial genocide should be stamped out, man