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Cheri[_3_] Cheri[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 14,609
Default Lest there be any further confusion (WAS: Hurricanes andflank steak)

"Ophelia" > wrote in message

> NOT RESPOND?????? Are you crazy!!! That would mean missing a chance to
> sneer !!!
> As I have said many times, if we all Googled there would be no cooking
> group. I don't really think they expect others to Google, it is just a
> chance to put somebody down and look superior. It is the same when
> people
> shout, she's asked that a million times before ... A million times??? LOL
> What kind of twisted mind dreams that one up? Once again, a chance to
> look
> superior.
> I often think that those who are so nasty are that way naturally but cant
> show it to people in rl so they puke it up here instead. Pathetic!

Yes, and Google can't tell you what a recipe, ingredient, etc. tastes like
either, whereas a poster can tell you what their opinion of it is, and if
you know the posters likes and dislikes you can usually take their word for
