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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Posts: 11,730
Default Lest there be any further confusion (WAS: Hurricanes andflank steak)

"Cheri" wrote in message ...

Yes, and Google can't tell you what a recipe, ingredient, etc. tastes like
either, whereas a poster can tell you what their opinion of it is, and if
you know the posters likes and dislikes you can usually take their word for


Oh Yes! I value the comments from the posters here, and that is the reason
I like to ask. As you say, you can't get that on Google.

Also you can find out what they did and how they made it That is always
interesting and useful) I like Koko's recipes because if someone is not
sure, she will tell you more about how she made something. I just saved her
response to Gary (?) about how to prep the bacon and I will use that for
other things

I think we are very lucky with some of our posters and I learn a lot
