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Default NPR: "Meat Industry Turns Florida's Feral Hogs Into Prime Pork"

Funny, I could have sworn that I heard that feral pork is not safe to eat. But maybe that wasn't in Florida.

September 8, 20165:07 AM ET

By Jessica Meszaros


Wild pigs are a problem in Florida. Hundreds of thousands are roaming the state and destroying scores of acres of fields and crops. There's an effort now to turn the pest into a profit...

....MESZAROS: Mann says he now slaughters up to a hundred feral pigs a week. Most of the meat is sold to high-end restaurants like this one, the Beach House on Anna Maria Island. In the restaurant's kitchen, wild hog meat sizzles in a pan. Chefs prepare it with a red wine demi-glace, sauteed kale and potato cakes. Ed Chiles owns this restaurant. Chiles grew up in Florida eating wild hog. And he says he's been wanting to work it onto his menu for a long time...
