"Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> On 9/13/2016 2:46 PM, Cheri wrote:
>> "Gary" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> Nancy2 wrote:
>>>> The instant potatoes in the bagsa...I think "Idaho" might be the
>>>> brand...
>>>> are really good. I think I have tried all the flavors except the
>>>> ones with
>>>> bits of peel...I hate peel in potato dishes.
>>> I never peel red potatoes. The skins are so nothing that I don't worry
>>> about them..
>> I don't peel any potatoes, it's the way I was raised and the way I
>> prefer.
>> Cheri
> More nourishing that way. I do check them over and peel away any
> blemishes but I like the peel. That is fairly recent though, brought up
> to peel completely. That's the way it was always done.
Yes, I do check them over too, and rid them of any blemishes, scrub
thoroughly and cook, except potato salad. We seem to stick to things that
were done a certain way in our households, some of it doesn't really have a
purpose other than *that's the way it was always done.*